How to Help an Alcoholic Family Member with Alcoban Drops

3 min readFeb 20, 2021


When it comes to the family of an alcoholic, their best defense against the emotional impact of alcoholism is to know as much as possible and understand that it will take great emotional maturity and courage to help the addict.

People often become confused and frustrated if a member of their own family becomes an active alcoholic. This is particularly true if the alcoholic is a spouse or partner.

The “next of kin” or ‘person most responsible for the alcoholic’ needs just as much assistance and counseling as the alcoholic if an effective recovery program is to be started. Alcoholism is a disease that has a huge emotional impact on the immediate family. The family members who are most affected by the addict are the spouse, parent, sister, brother and children. The more distorted the emotions of these people become the less useful their help will be. The interaction, in these cases, ends up becoming destructive rather than helpful.

For example, in Indian society, wives may often get blamed for everything that is wrong in an alcoholic’s marriage. This may extend to the point where they themselves start believing that this is true. Yet the main problem is, of course, alcoholism. The wife is no more responsible for the husband’s alcoholism than she would be if her husband had diabetes or tuberculosis. There is no wife who has ever made her husband an alcoholic, therefore she must never be held responsible for his recovery.

However, by not understanding the problem, she may allow the illness to go unnoticed. Through her lack of knowledge and courage, she may allow the development of the disease. The wife is not responsible for the existence of alcoholism but she can abet the husband in avoiding treatment by not taking the right measures to make the alcoholic quit drinking.

This same principle holds true for other members of the family as well, particularly the one person on whom the alcoholic ultimately depends. This primary person cannot “treat” the illness. Even doctors do not treat their own serious illnesses, and few will ever act as physicians for a family member especially a spouse, parent, or child.

The alcoholic often uses emotional weapons like anger and anxiety to avoid confronting his addiction. He may arouse anger or provoke loss of temper. If a family member or friend becomes angry and hostile they stop being helpful and lose the ability to help the alcoholic. Consciously or not the alcoholic projects an image of hatred against other people. If it is met by anger or hostile attacks, it is thereby verified and the alcoholic’s own mind justifies his own drinking habit and also now has an additional excuse to drink in the future.

The second weapon of the alcoholic is the ability to make his family anxious. This in reality confirms the addict’s sense of failure and guilt and increases the family’s sense of hostility and condemnation against the alcoholic. Thereby the addict is doubly hurt. Constant criticism, scolding and moralizing only add to the alcoholic’s guilt and resentment against self and family.

Often the crisis created by an addict can only be solved when the family gets together and attempts some problem-solving. The first step is to convince the addict to make an effort for his own sake as well as for the family’s sake. Alcoban will help you in this journey.

Alcoban Drops are a homeopathic remedy that detoxifies the addict’s body off the toxins accumulated due to regular drinking and assists with the upcoming withdrawal symptoms. This makes the process of quitting alcohol easier. It is a medically approved homeopathic formula that has been specially made to assist people who want to stop drinking. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless and therefore can also be administered without the addict’s knowledge. The ingredients in Alcoban reduces cravings to drink and make the body slowly less dependent on alcohol. This allows the body to heal itself and become free from substance use. It can also be used by smoking addicts to quit smoking.

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